
Education being an over all developmentof an individual, without doubt incorporates understanding of one’s psychological acumen too. Therefore, promotion of personality well-being is prioritized through activities carried out by counselling cell of our institution. Its concern is to care for the intellectual, psychological, physical, emotional empowering during the crucial period of the students in campus. Identification, communication, development and excellence of Individuality are taken care of. The facilitation is executed in a smooth process in the presence of experts.


  • To create self-awareness among students.
  • To remove barriers that hinders their Potentiality.
  • To motivate students to identify their inner strength.
  • To promote well-being of their personality.
  • To empower them to face life’s challenges.


The cell identifies students who require assistance on priority. They are made to reflect and realize their short comings and limitations to mitigate their sufferings. Help is provided to overcome their problems by using coping strategies, without passing any value judgment. The cell ensures confidentiality of the discussion. It also provides a comfortable environment for the students to discuss their problems by organizing workshops with specialists in the field. Their innate skills are explored and necessary motivational, psychiatry and therapy sessions will be arranged.

Counselling Cell Members

S.No Name of the member Designation
1 Dr.K.MuthamilSelvi Co-ordinator
2 Dr.P. StellaMuthuRajam Member
3 Dr.S.P.Nandhini Member
4 Dr.F.SweetlynJoy Christy Member
5 Mrs.K.Ramajeyalakshmi Member
6 Ms.Pradeepa Member
7 Ms.K.Vaijayanthe Student

Counselling Programme on “Win Your Weakness” : 21.7.15

Counselling Programme on “ ABCD of Success” :7.8.18

Counselling Programme on”  Psychology of Success” : 20.7.19

Contact Us

The Standard Fireworks Rajaratnam College For Women
Thiruthangal Road , Sivakasi - 626123 , Tamil Nadu , India
Telephone Number
+91 4562-220389
FAX Number
+91 4562-226695
Email ID