Priyadharshini Hostel offers accommodation for Aided and Self Financing Students of S.F.R.College

New Hostel offers accommodation for Aided students

PG Hostel offers accommodation for Post Graduate students.

Name of the Warden: Dr.Mrs.T.Palaneeswari
Contact No. : 04562-220389
Type of Accommodation
- Two inmates – Common Rest Room
- Three inmates – Common Rest Room
Rules & Regulations
The inmates of the hostel are instructed strictly to adhere to the following rules and regulations:
- The candidates seeking hostel admission is required to submit the prescribed application to the warden along with their Photograph.
- The admission of the candidates are subject to the availability of seats and other criteria.
- Students will be admitted to the hostel after the payment of Room and Convenience Charges
Things to be brought
Mattress, Bed covers & Pillow are to be purchased from college stores in order to maintain uniformity.
All the inmates are advised to bring the following item,
- Bucket & Mug
- Plate, Tumbler & Bowl
- Torch light & Umbrella
- Apart from the above, the other required routine things are allowed
- All the inmates are advised to keep their belongings with adequate locking arrangement. The inmates are advised not to bring costly articles like jewels/ ornaments to the hostel. The management will not hold any responsibility for the safety of their belongings.
General Permission to leave the hostel
- The inmates shall be allowed to go home on second and fourth weekend with due permission from Parents and Warden.
- The inmates will not be permitted to leave the hostel except the above weekends.
- The inmates who want to leave the hostel must submit a leave letter to the Class in-charge/HOD countersigned by the Warden.
- The inmates are strictly informed to make an entry in the prescribed register before leaving and at the time of entry.
- The inmates will be permitted to leave the hostel only with the Parents / Guardian . In case a student wants to leave alone she should submit a letter in the prescribed format duly signed by the Parent or Guardian.
Special Permission:
In case of any urgent / emergency reasons only the inmates will be permitted to avail special permission to go home with the approval of HOD/Principal/CEO and Warden.
Permission to stay in the hostel during the working hours:
Hostellers shall not be permitted to stay in the hostel during college working hours. In case of any health reasons, they will be permitted with the permission of Warden. They need to submit a leave letter to the Class in-charge/HOD countersigned by the Warden.
Usage of Rooms:
- The inmates should keep their rooms neat and clean. Each inmate of a room is responsible for its cleanliness.
- Has to maintain the rest rooms clean.
- Switch off the fans and lights when they are not in use.
- Inform the warden about the default of electrical appliances and they should not try to do it themselves.
- Keep the room key at the Keyborad in front of Sub-warden's Room, when rooms are locked.
- On any case the neighbour rooms should not be disturbed (10.00 PM to 5.45 AM – Silent Hour)
- Students are advised to inform the Sub-warden when they are not well / health reasons
- Misbehaviour on the part of the students and other residents shall be reported to the Sub-warden immediately with all particulars. The inmates are not permitted to take any direct measures.
- Usage of Electrical appliances like IronBox is strictly prohibited.
RO Water
Reverse osmosis processed drinking water is provided for 24 hours. The Dispenser Filter (Normal, Hot and Cold ) facility is available for all the resident students.
Mess Hall
The mess hall has a capacity to seat 500 students at a time. The timing and preparation of menu is taken care by the mess committee members. Our hostel menu includes both vegetarian and non-vegetarian food. Menu is prepared based on the suggestions given by inmates and nutrition-level-requirements i.e.,balanced diet.Fried food items are reduced and healthy millets are added in the menu. Our hostel follows the Food Safety Act. The NAAC committee visited and approved our grocery items purchase procedures and food preparation methods. During the purchase, the expiry date is keenly observed. Mess Bill is Calculated based on dividing system.
Hot Water System
Electric water heaters are available for all the hostel inmates.
Safe Napkin Disposal System
Napkin Incinerators are available in the hostel for the safe disposal of napkins. Awareness is created continuously among the new comers for the usage of the napkin incinerators in order to maintain a hygienic environment.
Tele Communication
BSNL Smart Cards are provided to all the inmates of the hostel which helps them to communicate with their family.
Internet Services
Separate Browsing Room with computers and necessary software is provided to the hostel students to carry out their academic work.
Health Management
- A Separate health room is available to render care to sick resident students.
- Much care is given for good health. Dr.G.Sudhanthiranathan M.D & Dr.S.Pown Grace MBBS., DGO are our general medical consultants. In case of emergency, the inmates are taken to hospital by Auto. The sick student’s health is keenly observed by the health committee. First aid medicines are maintained in the health room.
- Every Sunday, hostel students participate in Marathon within campus.
- Every Wednesday, “Yoga Therapy” classes are held for the benefit of hostel students.
- Recreation is sought after by the resident students. Altogether there are 7 LED TV’s in the hostel, one for each floor. Students are permitted to watch news as well as entertainment programmes in the allotted time.
- “Knowledge is a Power to Wisdom”. Here we are providing various news papers and magazines such as the The Hindu, Indian Express, Dinamalar, Dinathanthi, Dinamani to each floor of the hostel.
- “Cleanliness is next to Godliness” , so Every first Sunday the students are made to clean their own rooms.
Payment of Fees:
- The Room Convenience charges will be collected in advance for a year and Caution Deposit has to be paid as advance and the Caution Deposit will be refunded at the time of vacating the hostel.
- Mess fees shall be announced on the 5th day of every month. Students must pay the fees within 5 days after returning from Second Saturday holidays without fine. After that fine will be charged.
Study hour:
The inmates of hostel should follow the study hours between
- 5.45AM to 6.45AM
- 6.30PM to 7.30PM
- 08.30 P.M to 10.00 P.M.
During the above timing they should remain in their respective rooms only.
Sarvodhaya Prayer 5.45 P.M. to 6.45 P.M.
Silent Hour:
From 10.00 P.M to 5.45 A.M will be treated as silent hour on all days.
Food Timings:
As per the following schedule food served to the resident students.
- Breakfast - 07.45 A.M to 08.30 A.M
- Lunch - 12.30 Noon to 01.00 P.M
- Tea & Snacks - 05.00 P.M to 05.30 P.M
- Supper - 07.30 P.M to 08.30 P.M
Code of Conduct
- Violation of this rule will be seriously viewed and punishment to the extend of expulsion from the hostel will be given. Ignorance of the rules will not be an excuse for violation.
- Misconduct or breach of hostel rules renders the offender liable to fine or suspension or dismissal from both the hostel and college.