public key cryptography & rsa algorithm
Plaintext & Ciphertext:
The Original message, before being transfored, is called Plaintext. After the message is transformed, it is called Ciphertext. An encryption algorithm transforms the plaintext into ciphertext; a decryption algorithm transforms the ciphertext back into plaintext. The Sender uses an Encryption Algorithm, and the receiver uses a Decryption Algorithm.
The Encryption and Decryption algorithms are Called Ciphers. The term cipher is used to refer to different categories of algorithms in cryptography. This is not to say that every sender-receiver pir needs their very own unique cipher for a secure communication. On the contrary, one cipher can serve millions of communicating pairs.
A Key is a number (or set of numbers) that the cipher, as an algorithm, operates on. To encrypt a message, we need an encryption algorithm, an encryption key, and the plaintext. These create the ciphertext. To decrypt a message, we need a decryption algorithm, a decryption key, and the ciphertext. These reveal the original plaintext.