quiz 1. Purpurea is a glycoside alkaloid tannin saponin 2. Drug purpurea is obtained from fruits flowers seeds leaves 3. Digitalis belongs to the family Solanaceae Scrophulariaceae Poaceae Rosaceae 4. Digitalis leaves are adulterated with the leaves of seena coffee comfrey tea 5. The common name of Digitalis is neem tamarind foxglove horsetail 6. Drug purpurea is used in the treatment of renal failure brain tumour rheumatism heart failure 7. The moisture content level of Digitalis leaves should be 5% 10% 8% 30% 8.Deterioration of cardiac glycosides is caused by oxidase peroxidase zymase lipase 9. The leaves of foxglove are picked up in the morning evening afternoon night 10. Digitalis is a herb shrub tree climber