Multiple inheritance



A class that inherit the attributes of more than one base class is known as multiple inheritance.Multiple inheritannce allows us to combine the features of several existing classes as a starting point for the deriving the new class.It is like a child inherting the physical features of one parent and intelligence of another.





Area,Perimeter are the base classesRectangle is the derived classes




The syntax of derived class with multiple base class is as follows


class D : visibility B-1, visibility B-2 ….


                …………… (Body of D)



where the visibility may be either public or private.The base classes are seperated by commas.





Class P: public M, public N



void display (void);



Classes M and N are the two bases classes,class P is the derived Classes.Class P inherit all the properties of class M,N and also it has a certain own new features


Inheritance types by s.kamatchi priyanka