using ADO control
The first step in using the ADO Data Control to create a Connection to a database is to find the ADO Data Control. By default, the DAO Data Control is contained in the Visual Basic Toolbox, so you'll need to select Project-> Components from the Visual Basic Menu Bar, and select the Microsoft ActiveX Data Control
If you click on the OK button, the ActiveX Data Control will then appear in the toolbox
At this point, we may as well find the ADO DataGrid as well---we'll be needing it
in just a few minutes to display the data retrieved from the Recordset (a virtual
database table) that we'll be generating. Find the ADO DataGrid by selecting
Project-Components and looking for Microsoft DataGrid Control
If we click on the OK button, the DataGrid will now be added to the Visual Basic
Toolbox also
Now let's add both the Data Control and the DataGrid to our form…