DataGrid, and specifying its DataSource Property as Adodc1--the name of our Data Control.
We still don't have a Connection or a Recordset built--but it won't be long. We
need to provide values for the CommandType, the ConnectionString, and the
RecordSource Properties of the Data Control. Coming up with values for these
off the top of our head is too much trouble---Visual Basic will do it for us. All we
need to do is click on the Custom Property of the Data Control.
… and a Wizard to build the ConnectionString and the RecordSource
Properties will appear…
Click on the Build Button next to 'Use Connection String', and this window will
The names in this window may appear to be gibberish--but in order to connect to a Microsoft Access Database, we'll select Microsoft Jet 4.0 OLE DB Provider as our provider, and then click on the Next button. If we were connecting to an Oracle or a SQL Server database, we would select that type of Provider here. After clicking on the Next button, this window appear…