and Blends
About filters
Flash filters (graphic effects) let to add interesting visual effects to text, buttons, and movie clips. A feature unique to Flash Pro is that can animate the filters apply using motion tweens.
Flash Pro blend modes let to create composite images. Compositing is the process of varying the transparency or color interaction of two or more overlapping objects. Blending modes also add a dimension of control to the opacity of objects and images. We can use Flash Pro blending modes to create highlights or shadows that let details from an underlying image show through, or to colorize a desaturated image.
We animate filters in the Timeline. Objects on separate keyframes joined by a tween have the parameters for corresponding filters tweened on intermediate frames. If a filter does not have a matching filter (a filter of the same type) at the opposite end of the tween, a matching filter is added automatically to ensure that the effect occurs at the end of the animation sequence.
Flash Pro blend modes let to create composite images. Compositing is the process of varying the transparency or color interaction of two or more overlapping objects. Blending modes also add a dimension of control to the opacity of objects and images. We can use Flash Pro blending modes to create highlights or shadows that let details from an underlying image show through, or to colorize a desaturated image.
We animate filters in the Timeline. Objects on separate keyframes joined by a tween have the parameters for corresponding filters tweened on intermediate frames. If a filter does not have a matching filter (a filter of the same type) at the opposite end of the tween, a matching filter is added automatically to ensure that the effect occurs at the end of the animation sequence.