
               Adobe Flash Professional offers several ways to use sound. Make sounds that play continuously, independent of the Timeline, or use the Timeline to synchronize animation to a sound track. Add sounds to buttons to make them more interactive, and make sounds fade in and out for a more polished sound track.
                There are two types of sounds in Flash Pro: event sounds and stream sounds. An event sound must download completely before it begins playing, and it continues playing until explicitly stopped. Stream sounds begin playing as soon as enough data for the first few frames has been downloaded; stream sounds are synchronized to the Timeline for playing on a website.
Imported formats
          Flash supported the following sound file formats to import:
               •     ASND – Adobe Sound. This is the native sound format of Adobe Soundbooth.                •     WAV – WindowsWave
               •    MP3(MPEG-1AudioLayer3)
               •     AIFF orAIF(Audio InterchangeFileformat)
               •     Sound Only QuickTime Movies
               •    Sun AU (.au)
Export formats
                 We can decide which sound encoding to use for audio when publishing Flash document files to Flash movie files (.swf). Although the default publish settings in Flash is to export all audio with the MP3 format, you can export sound in several other audio formats.
               •     ADPCM (AdaptiveDifferentialPulse-CodeModulation)
               •     MP3 (MPEG-1AudioLayer3)
Importing sounds
               We place sound files into Flash Professional by importing them into the library for the current document.
              To import a sound file,
                   1. Select File => Import=>Import To Library.
                   2. In the Import dialog box, locate and open the desired sound file.

Flash CS6 by M.Sasikala