Drawing in flash

Join and Miter settings
            The Join menu includes three settings — Miter, Round, and Bevel — that can apply to create three different join styles on any of drawings or shapes with intersecting lines.
           The three join styles available in the Join drop-down menu in the Properties panel create corners or angles with different types of line intersection.
Join and Mitter Settings
The sharpness of Miter joins can be adjusted by entering a setting 
between 1 and 60 in the Miter field
Join and Mitter Settings

            Close path check box available in the Properties panel for oval primitives. By default, this check box is selected to create filled shapes, but if we prefer to create outlined shapes or curves, simply deselect the Close path check box.
Oval Primitives
Shapes created with the Oval Primitive tool, with the Close path check box deselected
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Flash CS6 by M.Sasikala