Timelines and Animation

Editing the Motion Path of a Tweened Object
                  Flash allows to edit the motion path by using the selection tools to create any type of motion. Anchor points along the path indicate where the symbol is in each frame, and give the sense of the speed of the animation.


Perform the following steps to change the motion path of a tweened object by moving the object:
          1. Open the Flash document that contains tweened object using FileOpen command. Here, we open the kite.fla.
          2. Select the frame on the TIMELINE panel where to change the motion path of the tweened object. Here, we have selected Frame 37 .   
         3. Drag the tweened object on the Stage to a new location on the Stage.

Motion Path        4. Select Control->Test Movie->Test or Press Ctrl+Enter to test the animation .
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Flash CS6 by M.Sasikala